New Frontiers in Learning, Control, and Dynamical Systems #ICML

July 2023

The Hawaiian islands are really something else!!!

What a place for presenting our work on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for learning dynamical systems, optimal and safe control strategies.  Check out our [poster]  if you wanna know about this topic.

Math2Product #M2P

June 2023

Great to be back in my home country and enjoy the beautiful weather in Sicily 🤩

The perfect venue for presenting the latest results of our research on Deep Kernel Learning for dynamical systems. Check our [presentation] out !!!

Deep learning for dynamical systems  #SIAMCSE

7 March 2023

Amazing week at the SIAM CSE conference in Amsterdam! Great opportunity to present our work [presentation], meet colleagues in person, and make new connections.

Super interesting to see all the recent trends in computational science and engineering, and all the progress in the field thanks to the use of deep learning. Excited to see what's next and contribute!!!